We are honoured to announce and invite you to the upcoming physical workshop “Interregional Innovation Investments to Stimulate Citizen's Health and Wellbeing”. It will be held in Brussels at the Albert Borschette Congress Center on the 9th of October, 2024, from 11:30 to 12:30 CET.
In September 2023, we launched the I3-INSHAPE project, a 21-partner international collaboration under the European Union's relatively new I3 programme. I3 stands for: Interregional, Innovation and Investments that expresses the aim of the programme to foster interregional cooperation between SMEs across Europe.
Support through data, tailored to the specific needs of SMEs, i
We organized a webinarium entitled "Entrepreneuship" on the 22nd June 2021 with our Spanish, French, Dutch and Belgian project partners, in the frame of our SmartSports4GoodLife project. The aim of the webinarium, which was held in English with almost 60 participants, was to introduce start-ups in sports industry those opportunities that European sports clusters and other incubator organizations can provide to help and support their successful start of business and effective operation.
The onsite interview of cluster qualification conducted by the European Secreteriat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) at MSE Hungarian Sport- and Lifestyle Development Cluster took place on the 23rd June 2021 in Debrecen.